New & Ongoing Awards

2023 OAR Internal Funding
Name Department Amount
Wolff Kevin Criminal Justice Justice $1585
Endsley Crystal Africana Studies $1307
Garot Robert Sociology $3000
Khodjaeva Matluba Mathematics and Computer Science $3375
Barberet Rosemary Sociology $1500
Browne-Marshall LPS $2993.91
Rossi Maria Modern Languages $300
Robinson Robert Africana Studies $3000
Robinson Robert Africana Studies (Open Access Award 2) $3000
PI(s) Department Funding Program Date Amount
Angelique Corthals Sciences Seed 10/18/16 $2,000.00

These funds will be used to fund travel related to pilot research in support of Professor Corthals' NSF and NIJ submissions on "Developing New Field and Educational Tools for Forensic/Biological Anthropology."

Deborah Koetzle, Amy Adamzyk, & Evan Mandery Criminal Justice PhD program, Sociology, Criminal Justice Conference Reception Support 10/18/16 $10,000.00

Professors Koetzle, Adamczyk and Mandery will be using the funds on behalf of the Criminal Justice PhD program, as well as the Sociology and Criminal Justice departments to support catering and related costs for the reception at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting.

Seth Baumrin Communication & Theater Arts Enhanced Travel 10/14/16 $1,930.00

These funds will be used to offset travel costs related to Professor Baumrin's participation in the Symposium with Performances "neo-Estradas or the Journalistic Stage for Today: Grotowski's 20th Century roots in Lower Silesia in context of 21st Century global displacement."

Seth Baumrin Communication & Theater Arts Faculty Scholarship 10/14/16 $2,224.00

Professor Baumrin will use the funds to fund transportation for Ukrainian performers to the Symposium with Performances "neo-Estradas or the Journalistic Stage for Today: Grotowski's 20th Century roots in Lower Silesia in context of 21st Century global displacement" in support of the resulting performances and planned journal articles.

Patricia Tovar Anthropology Community Event 10/14/16 $1,500.00

The funds will be used to support travel and labor costs arising from the event, "EagleCandorSwap Program or - the Abya Yala Cultural Exchange - A Celebration of the 2016 National Commemoration of Indigenous Peoples Day in New York City.