1991 PhD Criminal Justice School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers- The State University of New Jersey
1984 Post Graduate diploma Indo-Japanese Studies in Social Sciences and Japanese Language, University of Madras, India
1982 MA Criminology, University of Madras, India
Mangai Natarajan PhD is a professor of criminal justice at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City University of New York. She is an active policy-oriented researcher who has published widely in the following areas: drug trafficking, women police, gender-based violence, crime analysis, crime prevention and international crime and justice. She is an expert on cross cultural comparative research including many forms of violence against women and policing. She has incorporated her two decades of empirical research on women policing in book titled Women Policing in a Changing Society: Back Door to Equality (2008, Ashgate Publishing, UK, republished in 2016, Routledge. Her recent book (2019) “International and Transnational Crime and Justice” published by Cambridge University Press includes 84 chapters on international and transnational crime issues written by 90 authors. She has received: Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis (2017, ECCA) Award at Escuela Superior de Economia y Negocios (ESEN) San Salvador, El Salvador; John Jay’s Senior Scholar Award (2014) and Excellence Scholar Award (2022, 2012); and Excellence Research Award for Improving Policing for Women by Australasian Council of Women and Policing and Law Council of Australia (2013), a highly commendable award. Her current research includes a nationwide study on the impact of COVID pandemic on Domestic Violence funded by NSF 's colloborative research grant.
Dr. Natarajan is not only an active researcher but is also a dedicated teacher in the undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. programs and is the founding member and director of the International Criminal Justice Major at John Jay.
Courses Taught and Developed from 1994-2022
- Action Research Methods (MA)
- Advanced Criminology (MA)
- Capstone Seminar- International Criminal Justice (BA, MA)
- Capstone Seminar-(CJBA)
- Crime Analysis and Crime Prevention (MA)
- Crime and Delinquency in Asia (BA)
- Crime Control and Prevention (BA)
- Crime Mapping (MA and Ph.D.)
- Criminology (BA)
- Dissertation Supervision (Ph.D.)
- Environmental Criminology and Crime Prevention (Ph.D.)
- Independent Studies (Ph.D., graduate, undergraduate students)
- International Criminology (BA and MA)
- Internships (SOC, BA)
- Introduction to International Criminal Justice (BA)
- Juvenile Delinquency (BA)
- Masters Comprehensive Review (lecture: Criminological Theories)
- Problem Oriented Policing (MA)
- Reader Master’s Thesis
- Research Methods (BA, MA)
- Senior Thesis Course (BA)
- Sociology of Crime (MA)
- Supervisor HON Capstone Thesis
- Supervisor of Master’s Thesis
- Survey of Criminology (Ph.D)
Life Member, American Society of Criminology
Life Member Indian Society of Criminology
Life Member Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Member, National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Associate Member, International Association of Chiefs of Police
Member, Society for Conservation Biology (2017)
Member, European Society of Criminology (2018)
Please see CV for publications
- Excellence Scholar Award,John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 2022
- Mueller Award for Distinguished Contributions to International Criminal Justice April 2021
- Environmental Criminology and and Crime Analysis (ECCA) Award, June 2017
- Senior Scholar Award, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 2014
- Excellence Research on Improving Policing for Women-Australasian Council of Women and Policing And Law Council of Australia, August 2013
- International Visiting Fellow, Policing College, Bramshill, UK, 2010 and 2013
- Excellence Scholar Award,John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 2012
Dr. Natarajan is a crime scientist and a crime prevention policy-oriented researcher. In 2015-2016, she edited a special issue on Crime in Developing Countries for Crime Science Journal, a peer reviewed open access journal. Though some crime problems especially gender-based violence are pervasive and culturally entrenched, based on her research she believes in Rapid Assessment Methodology (RAM), especially in developing economies in identifying the situational factors and assessing the crime opportunity structure, the environment in which those crime(s) occur for developing immediate and practical situational measures to reduce harms. With so many years of experience in undertaking research on crime and justice issues using varied methodologies, she has come to a stage on how to translate the findings and recommendations in influencing polices that could provide a violence free environment, especially, for disadvantaged women and girls. She also has recognized the role of technology for speedy outreach in ending gender base violence. All the more, her current research mission is to find ways to improve the status of women in policing worldwide in terms of recruitment and retention.
Research expertise: Transnational Crime; Gender issues and Criminal Justice inclding Women in Policing around the World; Gender based Violence; Crime Prevention research in Developing Countries; Public Trasport Crimes; Wild Life Crimes including Poaching and Human-Animal Conflict; Policing Domestic Violence across Cultures, Technology in preventon agenda .