PhD Columbia University
Ed.M Columbia University
MA New York University
MA Hunter College
Effie Papatzikou Cochran holds the rank of Professor in the English Department. She has a Masters degree in Theatre-in-Education from NYU and a Masters in TESOL from Hunter College. Her Ed.M and Doctorate in Applied Linguistics are from Teachers College, Columbia University. Her special interests consist of gender, dialects and codeswitching, forensic linguistics, and English grammar. Her article on "Diglossia" appeared in the International Journal of the Sociology of Language. Professor Cochran co-edited with Yepez a book titled Issues in Gender, Language Learning, and Classroom Pedagogy and is the editor of the CUNY Handbook "Into the Academic Mainstream: Guidelines for Teaching Language Minority Students." She edited an international volume on Mainstreaming, which is part of the "Case Studies in TESOL Practice" series. In April of 2005 she ran a conference on Language and the Law at John Jay for the International Linguistic Association's 50th Anniversary. Deputy Chair of the English Department for five years, Professor Cochran was named the Distinguished Teacher of the Year, 2005-2006. Dr. Cochran's latest publications are Forensic Linguistics and Pedagogical Implications in Multilingual Contexts chapter 6 (81-99) in Vol. 10 by Springer titled ,"Englishes in Multilingual Contexts: Language Variation and Education" (edited by Ahmar Mahboob & Leslie Barratt) (2014) and The Language of parole: Sex offenders’ discourse strategy use in Indeterminate Sentence Review Board hearings. WORD, 62 (4), 244-267 (Dec. 2016) with Comeau-Kirschner.