What is College Now?

Are you a New York City Public High School Student?
- Why Wait, Start College Now!

What is College Now?

The College Now program (CN) is a comprehensive, collaborative initiative of the City University of New York (CUNY) and the New York City Public Schools (NYCPS). The program promotes and supports high academic achievement for NYCPS students. The CN program offers college-readiness programs to NYCPS students. Please note that only students who attend NYC public high schools, registered homeschooled students and students with disabilities whose private school tuition is supported by the NYC public schools can participate in College Now. (See College Now FAQ.)

The general goals of the CN program are to: 
 - introduce students to college life
     - prepare students for the transition to higher education (college)  
     - helps students develop and improve essential academic and soft skills
     - develop the personal values necessary to survive and succeed in college

The CN program offers qualified high school students opportunities to enroll in various activities, including college-credit courses, college-preparatory courses and activities, and summer programs. Students save time and money and earn college credit while attending high school by taking college credit. In the fall and spring, college credit courses meet remotely online (weekdays, 4:30 PM-6:45 PM) and in-person (Saturday, 10:00 AM-2:30 PM) modalities. Students should consider which modality best fits their schedule and ability to travel to the John Jay campus. Students who enroll in on-campus classes are issued an ID card that allows access to the library and computer lab.

John Jay's CN program also works closely with partnership high schools to design programs that enable students to develop their academic and personal potential. Participating high schools may offer college credit and/or high school courses at their respective campuses. 

The schedule for CN courses is slightly modified from the general college schedule. CN courses start later than regular college classes but meet for longer hours. CN students are required to make a serious commitment to attend classes and complete all assignments.

Participate in the CN program and experience the richness of college! 

Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment: What's a Student to Choose?

Contact Us

Email: collegenow@jjay.cuny.edu
Google Voice & Text: 

Office Hours
Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM