Student Profiles

Gianna Pascale, Graduate Student

My name is Gianna Pascale, a first-semester Forensic Psychology graduate student from Staten Island, New York.  I chose this program because for as long as I can remember I have always been fascinated by the mind of a criminal and I am so glad my curiosities led me to pursue this educational path.  I love learning from my professors here at John Jay and have an internship where I am learning to write competency evaluations based on defendants’ discovery, interview, and psychological assessment scores.  In the future I plan to work toward a Ph.D. to become a forensic psychologist due to my passion for recognizing mental health in the courtroom.

Kayla Curry, Graduate Student

I chose the forensic psychology program because I have always had an interest in working closely with the courts and correctional facilities in a psychological capacity. I think the criminal mind is different than the average mind and that intrigues me. I also would like to gain information about everything that goes on in running a correctional facility and what happens behind closed doors. This program is furthering my goals because I am able to master the information that I have been learning in bits and pieces from undergrad classes. Academically, I am focused on completing this program with a 3.8 or higher! I also want to put myself out there through extracurriculars and networking. In the future I a would like to obtain a PsyD or PhD and start working closely with the courts.

Daniel Oresanya, Graduate Student

I chose the FP program because it perfectly aligns with my goal of becoming an FBI Special Agent. This program provides the specialized training and knowledge needed for a career in law enforcement and national security. Currently, I am completing my master's degree, which is a crucial step toward achieving my dream. In the future, I plan to join the FBI to gain practical experience in the field. I will most likely be pursuing a Ph.D degree after my masters degree. This combination of experience and advanced education will help me excel in my role as an FBI Special Agent and contribute significantly to law enforcement efforts.





New Building Psychology Department 10th FL