SEEK Senior Year Guidelines
- Continue to engage with SEEK Counselor and Peer Mentor
- Continue to utilize technological and college resources: College’s website, SEEK’s website, John Jay student email, CUNYFirst, Brightspace, SEEK academic support, library, etc.
- Continue to maintain a strong GPA
- Continue to attend academic support on consistent basis
- Continue to seek early advisement and register early (SEEK students have priority to register for classes). When meeting with your SEEK Counselor be sure to formulate questions. Registering early ensures the schedule that you want.
- Continue to remain constant in registering for 15 credits each semester
- Continue to engage in with your student activities such as internships, volunteer work and student government
- Continue to examine all your syllabi and keep up with assignments on Brightspace
- Continue to excel each semester to join the Dean’s List and Honor Society such as Chi Alpha Epsilon (XAE)
- At the beginning/end of the academic year, do your regular check-in with your assigned SEEK Counselor
- Make an appointment with your SEEK Counselor to check your eligibility for graduation
- Continue to participate in all SEEK and ongoing campus activity, complete internships requirement in your field of study
- Continue to develop your networking skills and attend resume workshops provided by the Center for Career & Professional Development
- Review job postings from the Center for Career & Professional Development website
- Attend graduate school and job fairs
- Maintain a relationship with key personnel, such as SEEK counselor, professors whom you may need to obtain recommendations from
- Continue to analyze your progress for TAP and PELL for financial aid purposes
- Continue utilizing computer applications such as Office 365 and the Internet for research
- Continue to work with a mentor or role model within or outside of the institution
- Continue to keep in contact with your SEEK Counselor and faculty member who might be able to provide career and academic advice
- Evaluate your need for further education regarding your career plans (Click here for the CUNY Graduate Center)
The Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Department
524 West 59th Street
432 Haaren Hall, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Contact: 212-237-8169
Fax: 212-237-8904