Forensic Psychology Graduate Programs

Master of Arts in Forensic Psychology 

The Master of Arts in Forensic Psychology is designed to provide a strong foundation in forensic psychology that can be applied to, and within, the criminal and civil justice systems as well as to prepare students for doctoral study in psychology. The 42-credit curriculum focuses on understanding, serving, and studying both offenders and victims. This course of study explores the role of psychology in the legal system, in criminal behavior, in substance and alcohol abuse, and in terrorism. Through the curriculum, students are provided with an advanced understanding of psychological development and psychopathology, personality assessment, psychotherapeutic techniques, and research methods. For more information, please visit this page.

See degree requirements and admissions informationNote: The MA in Forensic Psychology is not a licensure program. States vary in their licensure requirements at the master’s level.

Program Director: Professor Kendra Doychak (

Master of Arts in Forensic Mental Health Counseling 

This Program, developed within the Psychology Department, has been approved by New York State as a "license eligible" academic program. It satisfies the state's educational requirements leadings toward professional licensure as a Mental Health Counselor, with a specialization in forensics. It develops skills in interviewing, counseling, and assessment, based upon established principles and research regarding human development, personality, psychopathology, and counseling. Students will be uniquely prepared to work towards licensure as counselors in prisons, juvenile detention centers, probation and parole agencies, and social service agencies that counsel and assess adolescents and adults at risk for criminal behavior. The program offers research opportunities for those students interested in pursuing doctoral education. The degree requires 60 credits. For more information, see the FAQ section. See admissions.

Interim Program Director: Professor Abbie Tuller (

Victim-Focused Programs

Certificate of Victimology Studies in Forensic Psychology  

The Victimology Studies in Forensic Psychology is a 12-credit certificate program which aims to develop specialized knowledge in the area of interpersonal victimization in a forensic psychology context. Areas covered include but are not limited to interpersonal violence and victimization including domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, child abuse, sex and labor trafficking, and hate crimes.  This non-licensable certificate will allow BA graduates working in Victim Services agencies to develop a better understanding of relevant issues, and to possibly consider additional training. It will also be available for those already in our MA Programs, who can concurrently receive the Certificate along with their MA, to demonstrate some focus in this area.  The core courses are PSY 700: Mental Health Professionals, Social Science, and the Law; PSY 705. Victimology; PSY 742. Family Violence and Disputes; and PSY 733. Dissociation and Trauma.

Victim Counseling Track in the Forensic Mental Health Counseling MA Program
We have now expanded the current FMHC MA program to offer three tracks. The existing two tracks are not altered. The proposed change will now allow students to select from one of these three tracks--the standard Forensic Counseling Track (formerly externship track), the new Victim Counseling Track, and the combined Forensic Counseling and Thesis Track (formerly thesis track). 

In addition to required FMHC courses, the Victim Counseling Track requires 18 credits as below:

PSY 705 – Victimology (Fall and Spring)
PSY 708 – Crisis Intervention and Short-term Counseling (Spring)
PSY 733 – Dissociation and Trauma (Fall only)
PSY 742 – Family Violence and Disputes (Fall and Spring)
PSY 774 – Child Abuse and Neglect 
PSY 773 – Advanced Issues in Victim Counseling and Psychotherapy

The programs will be coordinated by Dr. Chitra Raghavan, the Deputy Director of the Forensic Mental Health Counseling program, with the help of the MA office staff. Please contact if you need more information.

Four-Year Forensic Psychology MA/JD Program 

The Four-Year Forensic Psychology MA/JD offers qualified students the opportunity to earn both a John Jay Master of Arts degree in Forensic Psychology and a New York Law School Juris Doctor degree in Law which may be completed in as little as four years. The curriculum is composed of the existing required and elective courses for the MA and for the JD, requiring a combined total of 128 credits, including 42 credits for the completion of the MA Program in Forensic Psychology and 86 credits for the completion of the JD Program in Law. However, 12 New York Law School credits focusing on mental disability law will be credited towards both the JD and the MA Program. Likewise 12 MA credits from the John Jay Forensic Psychology MA Program will be credited also to the New York Law School JD program. Consequently, due to the 24 transfer credits applied in the dual degree program, the actual number of credits taken will be 104, resulting in graduation for full-time students in four years instead of five. For more information, go to FAQ. See admissions and other information.
Program Coordinator: Professor Emily Haney-Caron (

BA/MA Program 

Qualified undergraduate students may enter the B.A./M.A. Program and thereby graduate with both a bachelor's and a master's degree in forensic psychology.
Director: Professor Diana Falkenbach (